Ed Wright

Gorillaologist at large

Happy Birthday, Ed!

We decided that as you’re on your way to building a profile as the top gorillaologist in the world, you should have your own website with an appropriate domain name.

This is a WordPress-run website so you can edit the content and design/style however you want. It’s hosted on Kay’s commercial server and can stay there as long as you like, and she’s happy to give you a hand setting it up.

Google has been told not to index this so the placeholder content here won’t be found by anyone until you’re ready to unleash it upon the world, should you decide to do so.

We thought you might like to use it to showcase your qualifications, current work, publications, photos etc – but you could also just sit on it if you’d prefer.

Sam and Kay ❤️

Current Position

Lecturer in Conservation Science for Bristol Zoological Society


Ed talking about field equipment on Uses This


National Geographic’s “Why do male gorillas beat their chests?” includes data and quotations from Ed’s research
